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What makes it a public nuisance?

When you hear loud music going past your window at three in the morning, you hope it will not be a regular occurrence. As days turn to weeks, you realize that the vehicle belongs to someone down the street. And you are not the only person who has noticed.

No matter where you live, you work hard to maintain a home where you can relax and enjoy your favorite activities. When someone disrupts that time, it can be frustrating. Depending on the specific nuisance, it may even threaten the value of your property.

Here’s what you should know about public nuisances and how to handle them.

How is public nuisance different than private?

The same actions can be either a public or private nuisance; the difference is the number of people affected. A private nuisance affects only a few people, while a public nuisance affects a “considerable number of persons.”

The nuisance does not have to affect everyone in the area equally, but it does need to impact more than a few people. Talk to the other people in the area and find out if they have experienced similar disruptions.

What types of actions tend to be a public nuisance?

Certain annoyances come with living near other people. While irritating, not all frustrations are considered a nuisance. Activities that tend to be seen as a public nuisance include:

  • Gang activity
  • Littering
  • Improper pesticide use

When you have a nuisance situation in your area, deal with it as safely as possible. If there are health or safety risks to you and the neighborhood, start with an official who can help you quickly.



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